




"Slate houses" are typical Rukai family dwellings. However, not all of the Rukai people live in slate houses. Rukai can be divided into three groups, the East Rukai, the West Rukai, and the Hsiasan Group. Their villages and cultures vary with their living environment.

Rukai people of the West and Hsiasan group live in the mountainous areas between 500 to 1,000 meters above sea level in southern Taiwan. With heat, humidity, and much rain, the soil, clay and slate there crumble easily. As a result, Rukai people use slates as building materials. Slate houses are warm in winter and cool in the summer, which is a clear demonstration of the Rukai's wisdom.

East Rukai Group uses wood and bamboo as building materials because it is difficult for them to obtain slates. Also, due to their living area, they have youth assembly halls for defending against enemies.


Traditional Chief’s House of Jilu Village
The features of a Rukai chief’s house are the wide front courtyards and work sheds by the main house. The house is divided into front and rear by pillars. The pillar in the middle is the most prominent as it has carvings and hanging ceremonial knives and animal skulls. There are rows of pottery pots on the wall behind the bed, which is the most sacred place in the house. The living room in the front has two slate beds by the window.


Work Shed
There is a taboo to do weaving at home, so they build another work shed, which accommodates up to three people.


Blacksmith's Hut
The Rukai people are good at making knives. This blacksmith’s hut is a thatch-roofed structure with open sides. A stove and a bellows are placed inside the hut.


Traditional Chief’s House of Shenshan Village
This large horizontal slate house was originally built in Shenshan Village of Wutai Township. The exquisite carvings under the eaves symbolize the family's dignity. The central column inside the house is decorated with images of the ancestral spirit. The front courtyard is where the chief’s daughters get married, and also where the old banyan is planted. This is a landmark of the chief’s house.


Traditional Chief’s House of Ali Village
Ali Village is the most remote village in Wutai Township. The chief’s house is a large slate house with a door on the left, that faces the barn and grain barrels. There are slate beds on both sides of the front window that make up the living room. The main column stands on the left of the center of the house. At the back of the house there is a bed, washroom and pigsty.


Danan Youth Assembly Hall
Danan Village in Taitung is located close to the villages of Pinuyumayan and Amis peoples. Due to the presence of strong enemies, men from the age of 8 to 15 receive strict training in the juvenile assembly hall and continue their training in the youth assembly hall from the age of 15. From the age of 18, they can make friends with the opposite sex, and at the age of 21, they can get married, have children, and leave the assembly hall. The Youth Assembly Hall has a thatched roof and wooden walls. There are two fire pits inside the hall, where the youth listen to the stories of their predecessors.


Mythical Dwelling of Chulu Village
This building is a reconstruction of the mythical dwelling in Chulu Village (now Jilu Village in Wutai Township, Pingtung County). Legend has it that a baby boy came out of a cracked rock near Chulu Village. The Shuchinali family of Chulu Village raised the boy and had him marry the chief's daughter of Haocha Village. The couple's descendants became chiefs of Chulu Village, who are the ancestors of the Kala-payan chief family.






