

應蘭嶼熱帶海洋性炎熱氣候,無高山屏障之地形,雅美祖先發明主體位於地面下,地面上僅見屋頂之「豎穴式住屋」,此設計冬暖夏涼,強風可順屋頂坡度而下,不易嚴重損壞;以卵石鋪陳地基,利於雨水滲透以防積水。 雅美男子除維持家計外,就屬建造家屋最為重要。

In response to the tropical oceanic hot climate of Orchid Island and the steep mountain, hilly terrain, Yami (Tao)’s ancestors have invented the semi-underground houses. The main body of the house is under the ground, and only the roof can be seen above ground. This design allows strong wind to flow over the roof, keeps the house warm in winter and cool in summer. The foundation is paved with pebbles, which is conducive to the penetration of rainwater to prevent water accumulation. Building a house is most important for Yami (Tao) men.

此建築仿製重建雅美族紅頭部落Shaman Sarumanpitu家屋,其為紅頭部落之領袖,但家屋和其他一般人同樣,並無特別之處,本例包括住屋、工作房、產房、涼台、靠背石外並附有雞舍。

Traditional Yami (Tao) House in Imaorod
This building is a reconstruction of the home of Imaorod village leader, Shaman Sarumanpitu. This type of dwelling is no different to other Yami people’s and in addition to the house there is a working shed, delivery room, pavilion and a chicken coop.

此建築仿製重建達悟族野銀部落Shaman Sirukkapu家屋,野銀社家屋中除了必備的主屋與工作房外,還建有放置漁船的船屋。因為雅美族人使用大量陶器,野銀社家屋外圍尚建有陶窯。

Traditional Yami (Tao) House in Ivalino
This building is a reconstruction of the Shaman Sirukkapu’s house in Ivalino village. In addition to the main dwelling and workshop, there is also a boathouse and a kiln as Yami people use a lot of earthenware.

此建築仿製重建雅美族野銀部落Shaman Sirukkapu的家屋附屬建築-高屋,高屋通常都建在主屋側前方的地面上,相對位於低下處的主屋之處,高屋也有「工作坊」之稱,作為家庭工藝、用餐、接待客人、照顧嬰兒及休憩的空間場域

Yami (Tao) Workshop in Ivalino
This building is a reconstruction of Shaman Sirukkapu’s workshop in Ivalino village. Usually a workshop sits on the ground in front of the main dwelling. It is also used as a dining area, nursery room, and recreational room.

此建築仿製重建雅美族東清部落Shappun Rakogaru家屋,本例中的東清社家屋配置較為簡單,有主屋、工作房與涼台。

Traditional Yami (Tao) House in Iranmeylek
This building is a replica of the home of Shappun Rakogaru from Iranmeylek. The house condiguration in this village is much simpler and consists of a house, a working shed and a pavilion.


Lanyu (Orchid Island) is located in a tropical climate zone and summer is often unbearably hot. Therefore, most Yami people choose to spend leisure time on the pavilion, which is a place for socializing.


Traditional Yami Boathouse
Boats are an important tool for the Yami people. Boathouses are used to store boats. Generally speaking, only large boats, unused boats or those that may be damaged by weather are placed inside boathouses, while small boats are parked at the seaside.






